Investment Gains from Leveraging Business Flexibility

Investment Gains from Leveraging Business Flexibility

In a constantly evolving world, arguably the only kind of tradition that matters is the tradition of flexibility. Monopolies, specialist expertise and economies of scale aside, sources of net value may be fleeting. But flexibility is there for the long haul. So why not make your business strategy and entity goals about not just buildingContinue Reading Investment Gains from Leveraging Business Flexibility

Flexibility and Governance

Flexibility and Governance

A political party (or school) wants to change voter (or student) behaviour. They can attempt this by challenging the assumptions held (reality replacing perception, or perception replacing reality, witness fake news, propaganda and misinformation by governments) to improve the expectations (foster hope), to in turn improve aspirations (ambition). Ultimately it is voters’ aspirations (for fameContinue Reading Flexibility and Governance